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Zanna Markillie

Clay boots / skins. Rubbing in the material so close to skin - the attunement of the clay to my foot, my foot to the clay, my fingers to the clay, to my foot, my mind to the action (focused mind).

Birth (baby owl fell out of its nest in hamburg woods, the mother circled above)

Death (bones, probably sheep, found on dartmoor - a whole spine, pelvis and skull)


"“Intra-actions” (Interview of Karen Barad by Adam Kleinmann)" by Karen Barad

Questions difference, agency, boundaries, individualism, meaning, dichotomies of dinary, queer perspective,




Capacity to affect and be affected


Tuning in to the emergence, arriving, becoming

Attunement: listening, off-centre, here and there, now and then, inbetween – close distance, interconnected, porous, open, relational field, letting out and the letting in, feeling the other in me, empathic, cross-species, entering into shared timeless deep time space, intimacy, accountability, place amongst/inside/becoming together, respect.

“we need to know how to prostrate’

‘ongoing mattering of matter’

Mud/ ground: microbial universe which is monstrous. Nature eats itself and vomits things – evolution and devolution – pulse between simplicity and sophistication – microbial suicides

EMBODIMENT: ‘body based sensate substrate is where we actually interpret and respond to the world around us’

‘listen and notice information our bodies carry – brings more choice to actions’ sensate realm : uncomfortable, unpredictable, change and transformation (West: clamp down and resist) – phenomenon of White Fragility unable to tolerate sensations and discomfort (Allen, S (2017) The Roots of White Supremacy are in our Bodies)

MIND: Julian Jaynes: Breakdown of the Bichemaral mind – autitory – split between right and left hemishpere’s, Right brain ‘attuned’

Chris Lautachau: Inner and Outer mind:

Root systems attune, constant dialogue, sensing information, change, other,

Attunement=interconnected=web=relational field=bichemaral mind.

Listening= auditory, sense (not led by visual information) tacid tactile somatic

Animism: horizontal relational field, relationships, welfare for all life, living in respectful, ethical ways, expressed by ritual and dialy habits. Kinship, intimacy, humility, friendship, speaking directly with other-than-human, celebrating diverse bodies and wisdoms

Different to observing

What it feels like to move on four legs

To sniff the air and smell so intensely

Plunge into the river water and drink

Scratch and dig the earth with urgency

Starting point:

Daily returning and ritual of walking my dog in the woods along the river Dart.

Walking my dog Ludo in the woods along the river. Roots and river. Animal body. Place. Body. Roots. River.

Question notions of body: expanded sense of body

(Daisy Hildyard: second body book) – attunement is fluid, able to relate with multiplicities, paradox – entwining here and there – happening

Abject: we don’t know where the edges are.

Ludo’s perspective: breath, sniff, smell, sense, locate, hear, running, thirst, scent, following, chasing,

Social structure: ‘for this society to function it has to separate the soul from Body’ Post-Enlightenment Rationalsim / cutting off from the heart – neck up – denies humanity/felt sense

(Russell Brand & Gabor Mate/ Damaged Leaders Rule the World/ YouTube) 39min

Where is the space for vulnerability?

To attune one has to ‘not know’ and be vulnerable – to sense.

Split people= traumatised people – entrenched traumatised systems need to sustain itself and designed to make change (not knowing) (attunement) impossible – legitimising power on concealment (53”-1hr)

Trump represents a system – disfunction is obvious and normal

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