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Shadow hours, Luminescent, Walking

Zanna Markillie

Updated: Jan 20, 2021

Passing sun-light hours, bleeding womb, pain ache. Soft dream edges are listening to Joanna Macy interview, hot water bottle belly mate..... hours drifting, moon rises. Wow. A whole day.

Passing night-light hours, bleeding womb, pain ache - soft savage edges are listening to silence, hot water bottle belly mate..... hours drifting, moon shine. I'm still here.

Liquid gold, shimmering, bliss kiss,

still, breathing slow

Talking to a friend of a dream about boots, really sturdy hard wearing walking boots and soft leather boots with a big pink bow at the back.

It's a question of identity.

This being stopped me in my tracks. My God. Awe wave.

It's majesty - speaking of here, rooted, steady, in the flow.


My body listened and heard

I don't have the words to articulate - maybe I could in sound, or movement

in another forgotten language.

I had walked down muddy steep tracks, churned up by hoof marks of thundering cattle

I walked off the beaten track navigating rocks and bog

The world was enchanted, numinous, a beholding and becoming -

It was a challenge

To find my way through.

Bayo Akomolafe - 'The Monsters in Perpetual Exile’ - Mythic Masculine, June 2020 #16

‘a gift to be wounded, to be open’

Notions of Justice – the ‘ought-ness of things' - they get in the way of transformation – they are transcendental, outside of the ‘messy materiality of the world’

Justice is already a ‘thing’ that has to be reached – it’s out there - something to be attained.

Discovery, arrival, closure – to make tidy, to put together seamlessly – masculine ideals

Instead: of the opening up – the ‘gushing menstrual wound, a wound that is always alive to what is becoming ‘ (24 min)

Promiscuous – exploring descent and rupture

Dallas Gold Tooth - 'Decolonizing Men’s work' - Mythic Masculine, June 2020 #15

When women are menstruating it is a sacred time (dream time) (37min)

Humanbeings absorb energy – women have a gift to dispel this energy every month – to cleanse. They can do this act of cleansing for the village/ community. Blood fertilises the earth.

Men lack this capacity, they go into a sweatlodge.

‘Cleansing’ – a gift of menstruation.

Karen Barad – Quantum Field Physicist (feminist / queer)

Barad writes of her practice (quantum field theory) that it takes,

'an enormous labor, intense focus, patience, and humility – an awesome labor of love… allows the response of the “between” – ‘an always already inadequate attempt to respond to the ethical cry of the world’ (Klienman, p.81)

‘In a breathtakingly intimate sense of touching, sensing is what matter does – what matter is – matter is condensations of responses, of responsibility’ (On Alterity, Barad, YouTube, 38’10”)

‘vibrational states – ‘wild activities and entanglement of matter and void’ (On Alterity, Barad, YouTube)

Electrons – perverse relationship to the world, infolding, producing and absorbing all differences – dynamic play of indeterminacy – ‘radical openness' (attunement) (On Alterity, Barad, YouTube)

Mud/ ground: microbial universe which is monstrous. Nature eats itself and vomits things – evolution and devolution – pulse between simplicity and sophistication – microbial suicides

(Barad, Intra-actions interview)

‘highly complex exchanges or co-workings (attunement), for instance a giant amoeba colonyin Texas that sends and receives information across its various constituents that differentiate specialised roles with the colony, including even self-sacrifices, apparently’ (Klienman, p.77)

“ultraqueer” critters (Klienman, p.81) ‘radically deconstructive ways of being’ – given that ‘queer’ is a radical questioning of identity and binaries – (Klienman, p.81)

Amoeba colonies: slime molds – ‘have the ability to morph from a seemingly uncoordinated group of genetically identical single cells to an aggregate “slug” with an immune system, muschles and nerves with ganglis (simple brains) and other organismic functionality characteristic of multicellular species with different roles played by identical cellular units’

They queer the nature of identity – calling into question the individual/ group binary

They enjoy ‘multiple indeterminacies’ (Klienman, p.77)

Attunement a feminine perspective? – porous, open, surrender, yielding – painfulness of becoming (Akomolafe, 56”) The idea that ‘woundedness is aliveness’ – soul lives inbetween

‘Playful orgasmic reflection of its own self’ (Akomolafe, 1’01”)

‘intergenerational trauma defracted across space-time (Akomolafe, 1’)

‘continuously shapeshifting, ongoing mutating – we could only ever know a ‘thing’ partially (Akomolafe, 48”)

Virus: a call to the wilds, a call to parts of ourselves we’ve incompasitated (Akomolafe 1’33”)

The amount of violence that makes nature nature. Nature is the disruption of its own self (Akomolafe, 1’45”)

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