Needing to write this before I forget!
Talked about collaboration - v - co-authorship.
What is it that Derek and I are doing? Sharing. Responding. Provoking performance through our poetry.
Exploring 'liveness' through the medium of zoom - recording via zoom, the disturbance of tech. the distortion of voice.
Riffing live responses to each other.
Learning the etiquette of collaboration or co-authorship. Are we making together? There is a sense of togetherness, of sharing a process, but my response to my poem felt deeply personal and intimate, my own process, in which Derek was not involved - but I gave him the video footage to make his own edit - and this was his response. So is this collaboration or 'passing the baton on'?
Teasing out what it is - what are the strands - the conversations needed?
Who is our audience? What is rich for a public audience? Invited audience? invite CAMP members / advertise?
Live event on zoom, like a live transmission? Q&A with Derek and I afterwards? A live-mic evening where other people can share their poetry - maybe provoking a live response?
My wish to establish new environments to have these encounters, to find different ways of sharing artwork - that are artist-led and sensitive to the nature of the work.
Set some dates in March for these Live Zoom Transmissions of our work.
Alvin Lucier, 'I am Sitting in a Room' :
Lucy Lippard (1983), 'Overlay - Contemporary Art and the Art of Prehistory'
Phillip Auslander (1999), 'Liveness - Performance in a Mediated Culture'
Collaboration with Derek – exploring collaboration / co-authorship….
What is this?
Friendship and sharing at centre – needing / therefore making regular creative contact. Sharing poetry – having performative responses to our own poems and each other’s.
Exploring liveness through the medium of zoom (embracing or pushing zoom as medium – ie. zooming myself – great reverb)
Have to share over distance? Sharing video footage/sound piece – same material different approach.
Larger theme of soul. Language. Gesture. Costume/ shapeshifting.
Play – no goal – no agenda – but to share and enjoy ourselves and invite our creativity and collaboration front and centre – in this re-evaluation of instrumentalised culture, goal-orientation.
Stepping closer to the audience.
Liveness – things can go wrong at any moment.
Platform / outcomes
Gather everyone to a ‘live tune in’ and question and answer session with Derek and I. – live transmission of past performances, some recorded on zoom – some recorded to camers
Provoke a performative / ritual response – by offering poems.
Could do a zoom workshop or sharing of poems/ writing – like a open-mic night. give some documentation / give an invitation – live can happen on zoom – like one evening.
Writing – performative – rituals (livingness) encounters – natural materials – co-creating
Audience –
Small intimate – have been thinking of one-to-one –
Invited audience between Derek and I – those people we know, students from uni, friends – Put it out on CAMP.
Audience watching or participation from their own homes.
Because of lockdown and zoom – the notions of liveness are changing – because more elastic perhaps?
Timeline / producing plan
Not sure when then the deadline is because Anya is shifting things. If there is an opportunity for a ‘live in flesh’ performance, Derek and I have also been talking about this – how we’d like to do this too.
Derek and I are meeting weekly. It’s roughly taking 2 weeks per poem. All responses are recorded/filmed on zoom or separately and then files shared.
Budget / fund raising ideas
Don’t need any!