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Welcome to The Messy Realms and Continuity of Things

Zanna Markillie

Updated: Nov 25, 2020

Welcome to the Dark World of Metallic Wetness,

Lagoons and Love Rocks -

The Messy Realms and Continuity of Things.

From before the beginning…

In the hair’s breadth of a whisper of a millisecond of a heartbeat…

I am. I am.

Before Chronos crawled out of the mud to forge out linear time space.

Before the ‘I’ sense and the written word. Stories birthed in body and land, woven in the bird and mammal, the waters holy. No prayers, no oracle, we hear the voices speak.

I am the unknowable, unfathomable nothingness – The Raw Potentiality of All. The place of purest yin, the blackest most darkest place, where Birth and Death collide. All life forms disappear into the still point of my yielding vastness. The drum beat of silence thuds through the density of space, of no matter, where time has never touched. No Thing can enter here. You may call me the Great Restorer or Destroyer. The Great Comforter or Consumer. I am the moment of conception, imploding/exploding, unfolding – no centre, no circumference, no direction. All action dies here. Nothing is happening everywhere all at once, this is the vibration of relationship: being nothing everywhere all at once. My deepest mysteries are sensed deep in body, inside the atom and cell, the spiral. No thought can draw it’s lines of understanding, analysis, borders or boundaries. It simply cannot carve up Nothing into encapsulated knowledge. There are No Clean Lines. Chaos, in its simplicity, is reabsorbed back into black velvet curls of absence. The innermost fabric of your being here, I am now.

I am the cold metallic wetness flowing down, so close – I am you. A fluid offering of death – a thread of vibrant life. I contain the seed, the soft, the slow - movements that heal and transform. I will not entertain the uprooted head, detached from sense. I will drink and dwell. Make mess and touch. I smell of years of contact, of making, the livingness of the ocean and where sunlight kisses, shimmering gold and the earth: abiding and strong.

I am Love Rock, I speak in eons of time and vibrations of eternity, already. She listens to the wind, the changing tunes and directions – forever calling out for a response. The fishes swim by, their wing beat felt rippling through the surface, skin. Discreet. Present. I lay with my brothers and sisters in this high place, expanding bellies up to the sky, offering every molecule up, yet held so tight by gravitational pulls. I endure this feeling of pressure, of passion, of love – betwixt and between – anchored in my gesture.

I know I was born pure – luminescent, light streaming.

I know I was born dirty - an organic complexity, disruptive, loyal, earth bound. There is such peace in-between, a love affair… yet something got twisted, sometime ago – and I am reaching or rooting for the ‘Original Connection’. Viscerally charged attunements (an obsession maybe), to inhabit flesh, blood and bone. To let my feet breath…

They make sense, my feet. And they have begun to tell me things. And I am listening.

Florence Peake, RITE: on this pliant body we slip our WOW! (2018)

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